News and Announcements
International Workshop on Sediment Management in Water Resources and Hydropowre Projects organized i

An International Workshop on Sediment Management in Water Resources and Hydropower Projects was organized through a partnership between the World Bank and IRTCES, with support of the Asia Sustainable and Alternative Energy Program (ASTAE), in Beijing and Yichang on August 18-22, 2014. Forty two participants of the workshop included: managers and experts of hydropower projects from 13 countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam; energy specialists from the World Bank; trainers who specialize in sediment management from USA and China; IRTCES experts; and PhD students from the Tsinghua University. IRTCES Deputy Director Prof. Duihu Ning, World Bank Senior Hydropower Specialist Mr. Pravin Karki, and trainer representative Dr. George Annandale addressed participants at the opening of the workshop.

Trainers? Dr. Gregory L. Morris, Dr. George Annandale, and Dr. Zhao-Yin Wang delivered lectures on the following topics:?

·Rapid Assessment: Climate Change and Reservoir Sedimentation Effects
·Erosion, Sediment Yield, and Data Collection in Rivers and Reservoirs
·Hydraulics of Sediment Transport and Deposition in Reservoirs
·Sediment Budget of the Yangtze River Basin?
·Water and Sediment Management of the Yellow River
·Sediment Management Techniques.

IRTCES expert Dr. Cheng Liu, Tsinghua University PhD students Mr. Chendi Zhang and Mr. Xiongdong Zhou, also made presentations. Trainees presented case studies on sediment challenges faced in their home countries and sought advice from both participants and trainers on adopted solutions adopted and those under consideration. Lectures were followed by detailed discussions among group members.

On August 20, participants undertook a study tour of the Daxing Experimental Base of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydro Power Research (IWHR) in the southern suburb of Beijing where they examined sediment research laboratories, hydraulic machinery demonstrations, and irrigation and drainage research projects.

On August 21-22, participants visited the Three Gorges Project, including the reservoir area and the resettlement villages, in Yichang as part of a technical tour.

All participants expressed their gratitude for the tremendous learning opportunity provided by the workshop and the study tour. All acknowledged that sediment challenges were not unique to the particular projects they worked on but were a national, and moreover universal, problem. The workshop provided an opportunity not only to learn about sediment management concepts, but also to share experiences and solutions across different countries, and most importantly, to establish partnerships that participants hope to tap into as they tackle sediment management problems moving forward.

World Bank Senior Hydropower Specialist Mr. Pravin Karki speeches in the Opening

IRTCES Deputy Director Prof. Duihu Ning speeches in the Opening

Dr. Gregory L. Morris deliveres lecture

Dr. George Annandale deliveres lecture

Dr. Zhao-Yin Wang deliveres lectures

Study tour to the Daxing Experimental Base of IWHR

Study tour to the Daxing Experimental Base of IWHR

Study tour to the Daxing Experimental Base of IWHR

Study tour to the Daxing Experimental Base of IWHR

Group photo

Copyright: World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER). All Rights Reserved.
The Secretary of WASER, International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES)
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