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dotPlant more native trees to reduce landslide risk, control erosion, say researchers[2024-04-15]
dotNew Zealand experiences high levels of soil erosion: survey[2024-03-28]
dotWater crises threaten world peace (report)[2024-03-28]
dotIntl cooperation urged on water resource management to fight climate change[2024-03-26]
dotPopular science promotion and volunteer service in Wuhan University Campus: “Preserve clear water fl...[2024-03-26]
dotNew books on water education to inspire youth in BRI countries[2024-03-24]
dot12 key findings from the Seven Mile Beach erosion study[2024-03-20]
dotIndigenous Australian fire-stick farming began at least 11,000 years ago[2024-03-12]
dotSevere subsidence and erosion afflict Vietnam''s southernmost province[2024-03-04]
dotNASA: Sediment Fans Out Over the Yangtze Bank[2024-02-26]
dotSubmarine sediment helps Chinese researchers delve into secrets of Antarctic Ocean[2024-02-22]
dotScientists now know how the Brumadinho dam disaster happened, and the lessons to learn[2024-02-22]
dotPapers Published in the International Journal of Sediment Research Volume 39, No. 1, 2024[2024-02-18]
dotAntarctic scientists gather crucial information to learn vital climate secrets[2024-02-01]
dotNew Zealand Seas Dying from Land Sediment Runoff, Urgent Action Needed[2024-01-30]
dotConfirmation of ancient lake on Mars builds excitement for Perseverance rover''s samples[2024-01-29]
dotExtended abstract submission deadline for the 8th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts[2024-01-25]
dotWater security crucial for a beautiful and green China[2024-01-23]
dotJinglinxi, China: Ditches and ponds could be used in upland catchments to balance drainage and inter...[2024-01-22]
dotNo turning back: The largest dam removal in U.S. history begins[2024-01-16]
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