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SedNet Conference 2023 – Book of abstracts

SedNet Conference 2023 – Book of abstracts | SedNet


This page provides access to the abstracts for the presentations, flash poster presentations and posters of the conference.

You can download the complete book of abstracts here: Book of abstracts

Session ‘Sediment Quality Guidance and Sediment Quality Assessment’


Revising sediment quality guidelines to reflect current scientific understanding of chemical interactions in sediment with ecosystems – Richard J Wenning, Montrose Environmental Solutions, United States

The importance of reviewing the Portuguese legislation for the assessment and management of dredged materials- The case of butyltin compounds  – Ma?rio Mil-Homens, Instituto Portugue?s do Mar e da Atmosfera, Portugal

Spatial variability of organic matter quality and metal reactivity in the port of Rotterdam sediment – Guangnan Wu, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, The Netherlands

Assessing sediment toxicity in reservoirs before flushing- developing a protocol for freshwater in Italy – Laura Marziali, Water Research Institute (CNRIRSA), Italy

Sediment quality assessment at small streams affected by different types of anthropogenic pressures – Carmen Casado-Martinez, Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology, Switzerland

REE Contaminated Sediment Causes Avoidance Behaviour of D. magna and C. elegans – Chantal K. E. van Drimmelen, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Targeting mercury bioremediation of marine sediments by using omics and culture-driven approaches – Laura Alonso-Sáez, Basque Research and Technology Alliance, Spain

Soil erosion and associated pollution and siltation compromise the food, water energy and security nexus. A river basin study case in central Chile – Claudio Bravo-Linares, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile

French and Norwegian sediment quality guidelines comparison – case study in the NE Adriatic Sea, Croatia – Jadranka Pelikan, University of Zagreb, Croatia

A conceptual model for enabling sustainable management of soil-sediment-water ecosystems in support of European policy – Jos Brils, Deltares, The Netherlands

Improving risk assessment of dredging activities by passive sampling – Sabine Sch?fer, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany

Applying environmental geochemical monitoring of fluvial sediments using unique automated and passive sampling in the Danube Basin – Zsófia Kovács, University of Pannonia, Hungary

Monitoring of microplastics in port sediments. Evaluation of different analytical methods – Julie Droit, CEREMA eau, France

Assessing Microbial Quality of Polluted Marine and Soil Sediments with Advanced in Situ Monitoring Tools – Heinrich Eisenmann, Isodetect GmbH, Germany

Flash posters

Impact of Rare Earth Elements on the growth and photosynthetic efficiency in Myriophyllum aquaticum  – Isidora Gjata, Dipartimento di Bioscienz, Italy

Multiple lines of evidence approach to assess the quality of sediments in canals of the Rho?ne valley in Switzerland  – Rébecca Beauvais, Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology, Switzerland

Geochronology and historical records of heavy metals in the marine sediments from western part of Black Sea Coastal Area, Varna:Bulgaria  – Günseli Yaprak, Ege University, Türkiye

Historical contribution of sediments to a hydropower reservoir- a case study in central Chile  – William H. Blake, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom

Sediment Status in Europe- Frameworks, Standards and Approaches, Synthesis of Expanded Review  – Sabine Apitz, SEA Environmental Decisions Ltd., United Kingdom

Overview of sediment quality and quantity over two decades – Case study of the Great Bac?ka Canal (Republic of Serbia)  – Dragana Toma?evi? Pilipovi?, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Contamination and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in surface sediments of the Montenegrin coast – Danijela Joksimovic, Institute of Marine Biology, Montenegro

Comparing sediment heavy metal concentrations in Italian harbors with the Environmental Quality Standards  – Elena Romano, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Italy

Different rivers, common problems – Linking chemical and ecological status in polluted sediments of three different European river basins – Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Science, Germany

Environmental characterization addressed to port sediment management- two case studies in the central Tyrrhenian sea (Italy)  – Cristian Mugnai, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italy

Reconstruction of radioactivity levels and sediment quality assessment in a deep basin at Lemnos, North Aeg – Christos Tsabaris, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece

Session ‘Circular Economy – Sediment as a Resource’


Sediment management in a circular economy – Pieter de Boer, Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands

A PFAS mass balance– impact on the sediment (re)use policy – Arjan Wijdeveld, Deltares, The Netherlands

Lessons from pilot-scale sediment reuse projects on the Scottish canal network  Keith Torrance, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Exploring unconventional approaches to sediments decontamination – Marta Castellote, Institute of Construction Science Eduardo Torroja (IETcc-CSIC), Spain

Twenty-years forecast of coastline evolution on sandy coastal stretches in mainland Portugal – Ivana Bosnic, HAEDES, Portugal

A mobile & continuous granulometric classification & dehydration pilot to improve sediment reuse strategies. Case studies & results interpretation – Tristan Debuigne, IXSANE, France

Reuse of Metal Impacted River Sediments – Philip Studds, Ramboll, United Kingdom

Landfilling and soil conditioning of dredged sediments- evaluation throughout a life cycle assessment – Laura Ferrans, Linnaeus University, Sweden

Bankbusters- A Nature-based Solution engineered tidal marsh river banks, beneficially re-using soft dredged sediments – Tomas Sterckx, DEME Group, Belgium

A management of port sediment in a Working with Nature context to achieve – Mercedes García Barroso, Tecnoambiente. S.L.U., Spain

Agricultural soil recovery using dredged fluvial sediments: Mont-Cenis hydropower plant experiment as a success to be replicated – Emmanuel Branche, EDF Hydro, France

Phytoremediation of dredged sediments polluted with mineral oil, naphthalene and PAHs – Dirk Dubin, bio2clean, Belgium

Social, Economic and Environmental Analyses for Sediment Reuse Applications – Joe Harrington, Munster Technological University, Ireland

Beneficial use of sediments for our future: compared pathways for taking profit of them as resources for new challenges – Bruno Lemière, France

Converting fiber sediment to hydrochar – new technology to eliminate landfilling and extract energy when remediating fiberbanks – Anna-Karin Dahlberg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Towards an integrated and circular management of dredged sediments- HAROPA PORT | Rouen as a transforming force in the territory – Benjamin Constant, Neo-Eco, France, Sandrine Samson & Ludovic Grabner, HAROPA Port, France

Flash posters

Stabilized in situ sediment as material used for experimental coastal protection and habitat restoration measures – Jakub Borovec, Biology Centre CAS, Czech Republic

Nature-based geotextile tubes- a new circular and nature-friendly solution for the dewatering of dredged material – Jip Koster, NETICS BV, The Netherlands

Sand sourcing from dredge disposal grounds for nature-based solutions – Lars Kint, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium

‘AquaForest’ Nature-based-Solutions Living Lab: Restoring mangrove forests through circular and sustainable re-use of dredged sediments – Jelle Evenepoel, Jan De Nul, Belgium

Beneficial reuse of sediments as secondary raw materials for construction sector – Walid Maherzi, IMT Nord Europe, France

Desalination of dredged sediments for circular reuse to raise agricultural peatlands – Maria Barciela-Rial, HAN University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Application of GEOWALL? dike revetment elements made from dredged materials – Hugo Ekkelenkamp, NETICS BV, The Netherlands

Beneficial Reuse Of Any Dredged Sediment Environmental Assessment Tool (BROADSEAT)- An open access tool for circular economy optioneering – Richard Lord, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Sediment management in Lake Trakos?c?an, Croatia – an example of the social and economic aspects of sediment long-term impacts – Dijana Oskoru?, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Session ‘Sediment Management Concepts and Sediment Policy’


The fluvial sediment quality monitoring in the context of the implementation of 2030 Agenda in Portugal: a study in N Portugal – Anabela Reis, University of Tra?s-os Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal

Towards sustainable sediment management and estuary functioning of the Upper Sea Scheldt based on a state of the art modelling approach – Joachim Vansteenkiste, IMDC, Belgium

Exploring the remediation of contaminated sediments  Wim Clymans, VITO, Belgium

A nation-wide survey of polluted sediments in Sweden – Clara Neuschu?tz, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden & Anna Wemming, County Administrative Board of Dalarna, Sweden

Sediment remediation pays off- Socio-economic analysis and cost disproportionality of measures using the example of the Elbe river basin – Ilka Carls, Ministry of Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany & Judith Sprenger, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany

Policy solutions for management of contaminated sediments in the EU – Raffaele Vaccaro, Nisida Environment, Italy

A new methodology for prioritisation and initial investigation of contaminated sediment in Sweden – Henrik Bengtsson, Swedish Geotechnical Institute, Sweden

Rh?ne Sediment Management Master Plan between Geneva and Mediterranean Sea inorder to achieve good ecological status – Frederic Laval, BURGEAP, France

Sustainable port maintenance strategies – trade-offs between dredging cost and port call efficiency – Arash Sepehri, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Sediment Management for the Tidal Elbe – between the poles of science and politics – – Boris Hochfeld, Hamburg Port Authority Ao?R, Germany

Integrated beneficial sediment management in practice – Marc Huygens, DEME Group, Belgium

Moving the Needle- Beneficial Use of Contaminated Sediments in the United States – David Moore, USACE-ERDC, United States

System dynamic plan as a comparison framework and decision model for the competent authority – Jos Wieggers, Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands

Fifty years of shallowing former sand- and gravel pits in the Netherlands- from win-win opportunity to major headache – Wouter Klein Koerkamp, Open University, The Netherlands

“Once upon a time … a beach sand grain”- a bed-time story and scientific outreach activity for toddlers to increase sediment literacy – Cristina Lira, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Flash posters

Long-term investigation of the morphological development of groyne fields on the two waterways Elbe and Upper Rhine – Elise Lifschiz, German Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW), Germany

Development of a knowledge platform on sediment in Sweden – Clara Neuschu?tz, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden

Session ‘Climate Change and Sediments: Direct and Indirect Consequences and Opportunities’


Fixing Failures or Re-thinking Futures? From Resilient Remedies to Resilient Land- and Water-Scapes – Sabine Apitz, SEA Environmental Decisions Ltd., United Kingdom

Towards net-zero sediment management of inland waterways – comparing embedded and embodied carbon emissionsfor dredging and reuse scenarios – Richard Lord, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Climate Change Impacts on the Sediment Structure in the Hamburg Port -Challenges and Opportunities- Use of Fluid Mud for Navigational Aspects-  – Nino Ohle, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany

The impact on sedimentation in case the Adriatic Sea becomes meromictic due to global climate change – Jasmina Obhodas, Ru?er Bos?kovic? Institute, Croatia

Port Sediments as Carbon Sink and Source  Julia Gebert, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Residual sand and mud transport in the Scheldt estuary derived from the sediment balance – Bart De Maerschalck, Flanders Hydraulics, Belgium

Impact of climate change scenarios on sediment load assessments – Ewa Szalin?ska, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

Mapping and quantifying methane emissions from contaminated fibrous sediment – Alize?e P. Lehoux, Uppsala University, Sweden

Contaminated Sediment and Climate Change – Sediment Desiccation, The Unthought About Hazard for Caps and MNR – Philip Spadaro, TIG Environmental, United States

Flash posters

Sediments, creating a vibrant estuarine habitat to protect the Scheldt hinterland against flooding – Marc Huygens, DEME Group, Belgium

Session ‘Sediment in Coastal and Marine Management’


The impact of damming in sediment delivery to coastal zones – case of mainland Portugal – Rui Taborda, Faculdade de Cie?ncias da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Decadal evolution of an intensely nourished coast – Sebastian Dan, Flanders Hydraulics Research, Belgium

Managing sediments in the Wadden Sea and the role of the research programme BenO Wadden Sea – Jurre de Vries, Executive Agency of the ministry of infrastructure and water management (RWS), The Netherlands

The WoE approach applied to the sediments characterization to the lagoon environment: the Venice Lagoon case – Maurizio Ferla, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italy

Effects of Re-circulation on Sediment Properties- A Case Study in the Seaport Emden  Fatemeh Chamanmotlagh, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Testing Conditioning Methods for Maintenance Dredging in Ports – Alex Kirichek, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Flash posters

The Impact of Contaminated Sediment in the Estuaries of Elbe and Odra – Safia El Toum, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Enhanced bioremediation of contaminated sediments in coastal areas of exindustrial sites – Chiara Melchiorre, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy

Environmental life cycle assessment of the innovative ejectors plant technology for sediment management in harbours – Marco Pellegrini, University of Bologna, Italy

The new breakwater of the Port of Genoa- monitoring and reuse of the dredged sediments – Marco Capello, University of Genoa, Italy

(Re-) Evaluating the Role of Microbes for Fluid Mud Rheology and Settling – Julia Gebert, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Evolution of submerged large transversal bedforms in a shallow nearshore area along a macrotidal sandy coast – Anne-Lise Montreuil, Antea Group, Belgium

Sedimentologic influence of torrent check dam systems on shoreline changes in semiarid mediterranean area – a sub-regional analysis in Calabria (Southern Italy) – Giuseppe Bombino, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy

Posters that are not presented as a flash poster presentation


Variability of Fallout Radionuclides in River Channels- Implications for Sediment Residence Time Estimations – Enrique Munoz-Arcos, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom

Valorization of chestnut shell for the removal of heavy metals under real conditions – Mirza Nuhanovic?, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

WODA working group on Reservoir Dredging – Polite Laboyrie, CEDA Witteveen+Bos, The Netherlands

Assessment of Natural Radioactivity and Radiation Hazards in Coastal Sediments of Durres  – Elida Bylyku, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics Tirana, Albania

A case study on PFAS in different matrices downstream a waste processing company at River Nieuwe Kale, Belgium – Els Ryken, Flanders Environment Agency (VMM), Belgium

(Source: SedNet, https://sednet.org/ )


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