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Papers & Reports
dotNo.3 2024 IJSR[2024-05-29]
dotNo.2 2024 IJSR[2024-05-29]
dotNo.1 2024 IJSR[2024-05-29]
dotUSGS Report: Reservoir evolution, downstream sediment transport ......responses of Fall Creek and Mi...[2024-05-19]
dotWater crises threaten world peace (report)[2024-03-28]
dotNo.6 2023 IJSR[2024-02-22]
dotNo.5 2023 IJSR[2024-02-22]
dotSedNet Conference 2023 – Book of abstracts[2023-10-19]
dotNo.4 2023 IJSR[2023-06-07]
dotNo.3 2023 IJSR[2023-06-06]
dotNo.2 2023 IJSR[2022-12-26]
dotNo.1 2023 IJSR[2022-11-11]
dotNo.6 2022 IJSR[2022-09-30]
dotPublication of the CIS document “Integrated sediment management – Guidelines and good practices in t...[2022-09-22]
dotNo.5 2022 IJSR[2022-07-25]
dotNo.4 2022 IJSR[2022-05-11]
dotUN World Water Development Report 2022[2022-03-23]
dotNo.3 2022 IJSR[2022-03-23]
dotNo.2 2022 IJSR[2021-12-17]
dotNo.1 2022 IJSR[2021-11-03]
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