Coming Events
28th ICOLD Congress & 93rd Annual Meeting (ICOLD-CIGB 2025)(Chengdu, China, May 16-23, 2025)

Date: May 16-23, 2025

Venue: Chengdu, China

Invitation: On behalf of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), it’s my great honor to invite esteemed delegates from 106 National Committees of ICOLD, and specialists and experts working in the field of dams and reservoirs as well as their accompanying persons, to the 28th ICOLD World Congress in combination with the 93rd ICOLD Annual Meeting, to be held 15th – 23rd May 2025, in Chengdu, Sichuan Province of China.     ICOLD Congress is the most professional and influential academic conference in the international dam society, with the purpose of advocating the international community to work together to strengthen multilateral cooperation and exchanges, and jointly promoting “Better dams for a better world”. Chengdu congress will provide diverse opportunities to promote the international technical cooperation in the field of dams and reservoirs to a new level, and also play a critical role in promoting dam technology in the world. With all my confidence, it will be a grand meeting for participants from all member countries to sum up the past and look forward to the future.     I believe that under the strong organization of LOC, the Chengdu congress will provide an efficient platform for participants to conduct in-depth exchanges, experience sharing, business negotiations, and project cooperation. It’s also a precious opportunity for all participants to be involved in the ICOLD family, and to witness and experience the glorious history and the modern development of China.     It’s my privilege to encourage all the members of ICOLD family to attend the 28th ICOLD congress and 93rd annual meeting in Chengdu, May 2025. I am looking forward to everyone’s presence to the congress in person and in good health.  (Michel Lino, ICOLD President)

It is a great honor for me to invite delegates from the member countries and non-member countries of the world to attend the 28th ICOLD Congress & 93rd Annual Meeting in Chengdu, Sichuan Province of China on behalf of the Chinese National Committee on Large Dams (CHINCOLD). The event will take place from May 15th to 23rd, 2025.     After the successful ICOLD Congress in Beijing in 2000, CHINCOLD has a pleasure to organize the ICOLD Congress & Annual Meeting again in Chengdu in 2025. It will be a great moment because we are now facing the increasing challenges like water shortage, flooding, food security, and the impacts induced by climate change. We need gathering again to strengthen the international collaboration for the common challenges, shared Future, and better dams. Over the 25 years from 2000 to 2025, apart from keeping the record as the country owning the largest number of dams and reservoirs in the world, China has constructed many new super-high dams (rockfill, concrete, RCC, CMD) with high quality and engineering innovation. These dams and reservoirs, with pumped power stations and water transfer projects, will be playing a fundamental important role for water, energy, and grain security in the process of Chinese modernization. All these projects have been benefited from the international cooperation in the domain of water engineering and now are available for all delegates to have an exciting technical visit.    I am for sure that the visit to Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province with a long history of over 2,300 years, will be a wonderful experience. Chengdu combines tradition and fashion and has many historical and cultural landscapes. In particular, it is the hometown of giant pandas where you can have a chance to closely visit the lovely creatures. Dujiangyan, a World Cultural and Natural Heritage of irrigation project, is also located in Chengdu. It has provided safe water to millions of people and irrigation for over 2,200 years and makes Chengdu known as "The Land of Abundance". There are also many famous beauty spots for prospective delegates to enjoy social activities and sightseeing.     Chengdu is also a dynamic and modern municipality with complete infrastructures. Delegates can enjoy convenient transportation, modern conference center with various kinds of meeting rooms and facilities, comfortable accommodation and excellent surroundings, which will make you an unforgettable trip.    CHINCOLD will try the best to organize conferences, meetings and other activities, and to provide high quality conditions for visits, social programs and tours.     We would like to extend a warm welcome to all colleagues from various countries to Chengdu and shall be very glad to meet you at this event. (Dr. Jiao Yong, CHINCOLD President)

Initial Bulletin-ICOLD(English).pdf

Initial Bulletin-ICOLD(French).pdf




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