Coming Events
World’s Large Rivers Conference 2023 (Austria, 21-25 August 2023)

Date: 21-25 August 2023

Venue: Vienna, Austria

Summary: This conference aims to provide a global forum for a wide-ranging discussion of key issues related to research on large rivers and their effective and sustainable management, involving both scientists and decision-makers. 

We kindly ask all interested authors to submit their work on the topics of 

Hydrology, Hydraulics & Hydroclimatic Impacts Sediment Transport & River Morphology River Pollution, Ecology & Restoration Integrated River Management

This time, a special focus will be on Rivers in a Changing World. The goal is to establish a scientific knowledge base and develop scientific reports on the status of large rivers for a better understanding of developments, synergies, and challenges in large river basins. So far, three status reports on large rivers have been developed (Danube, Mekong, and Niger) and up to 300 rivers should follow.

Furthermore, the structure of the World’s Large Rivers Initiative will be discussed at the World’s Large Rivers conference in Vienna 2023!


Abstract submission will be opened in August, and we are looking forward to receiving your contribution!

Special information: In honour and celebration of the 5th anniversary of the World’s Large Rivers Conference, the 40th anniversary of the IAHR Wo Congress and the 30th anniversary of the Danube Conference, all three conferences will be held simultaneously in Vienna under the motto “Vienna Water Conferences 2023”!

You can purchase a special combined ticket to attend all three outstanding events!

For further information on the Vienna Water Conferences 2023:


More information:


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