Coming Events
2019 World Hydropower Congress (France, May 14 -16, 2019)

Date: 14-16 May 2019

Venue: Paris, France

Summary: The World Hydropower Congress brings together industry, government, finance, academia and civil society to set priorities for the future direction of the hydropower sector. The seventh Congress, organised by the International Hydropower Association (IHA), is to be hosted in partnership with UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme. With the theme of ‘The Power of Water for a Sustainable World’, the biennial event in May 2019 will focus on hydropower’s role in delivering on the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. Up to 100 countries are expected to be represented at the Congress. Details on registration, the agenda and speakers will be announced in the coming months. Contact us to express your interest in participating in or sponsoring the Congress.

Conference website: 

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