Coming Events
THESIS 2016 (Tokyo Japan, Sep. 12-14, 2016)


September 12 ? 14, 2016

Venue: Tokyo Japan

Invitation:  On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, we would like to inform you of the 3rd symposium on Two-pHase modElling for Sediment dynamIcS in geophysical flows, THESIS-2016.

THESIS symposia (THESIS-2011, THESIS-2013) were successfully held in Chatou, France, to provide a forum for discussing and exchanging experience and knowledge within the international research community, with the goal of developing two-phase approaches to sediment dynamics in geophysical flows. THESIS-2016 will be held in Tokyo, Japan, September 12-14, 2016. This symposium will focus on the state-of-the-art of the two-phase approach for sediment dynamics. The symposium is hosted by Research and Development Initiative (RDI), Chuo University with the co-hosts of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), International Association of Hydraulic Research (IAHR), and the Society Hydrotechnique de France (SHF).

For a list of the main topics, important dates and further details of the symposium, please visit our symposium web-site:  or read the Flyer of THESIS-2016 in Tokyo:
We hope you will accept our invitation to participate in the symposium.

Please circulate this announcement to colleagues who may be interested in this symposium.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions at:

Sincerely yours,
Shoji Fukuoka
Chair, Local Organizing Committee of THESIS-2016 in Tokyo

Workshop: The workshop will focus on both conventional and novel models for sediment transport to enhance their accuracy and application to geophysical flows.
Date: Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Time: 15:20-17:20 in Room 1 (main room )
Workshop Topics: Conventional and novel sediment transport models, bed load and suspended load, and sediment mixture and armoring

Symposium Topics: This symposium will cover the following research topics, all of which are based on the perspective of a two-phase approach to sediment dynamics, in which the dynamics of water and the solid-particles phases are considered with interphase interactions and momentum transfer.

A. Fundamentals
Physical processes, mathematical formulations and parameterizations, analytical solutions

B. Modelling
Numerical simulation, turbulence modelling

C. Measurements
Experimental techniques in the laboratory, measuring methods in the field

D. Environmental applications
(D1) Sheet flows, highly concentrated flows, Nutrient/contaminants transported by sediments
(D2) Internal flows (erosion around pipelines and hydraulic sluices) and groundwater flows (porous media), Vegetated channels, riverbank restoration, Landslide/debris flows, Breaching processes in dyke-overlap and dyke-break flows, Tsunami with sediment transport

Form and size of the Symposium:
- Language: English
- Presentation forms: Oral and posters
- Four plenary key-lectures and a workshop
- Duration: 3 days with plenary and parallel sessions




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