Coming Events
River Flow 2018 (France,Sept. 3-7, 2018)

Date: 03 September 2018 - 07 September 2018

Venue: Lyon, France

About the conference

River Flow has become since 2002 a major international conference in river engineering and fluvial hydraulics. It is a unique occasion to present and discuss the latest scientific researches, and to communicate with scientists, engineers, and researchers involved in areas such as fluvial flow and structure processes or sediment transport.

River Flow 2018 will focus on the latest findings in the field of fluvial hydraulics, addressing fundamental issues related to fluid processes of sediments and pollutants in rivers. More practical issues related to river morphodynamics, river restoration, and river interaction with structures will be discussed.

Finally, a specific theme on extreme events (flood, drought) is proposed. Several master classes dedicated to graduate students and young researchers will be organized and led by recognized international experts on topics in hydrodynamics, mixing, morphology, flood hazard and sediment transport.


Contact: for sponsoring River Flow 2018 conference, proposing exhibition or any
information about the conference, please contact

Language: English will be the official language for the conference and the master classes.

Note : this conference site will be regularly updated with new informations as soon as available. Please visit them regularly.

Conference dates

Masterclasses: September 4, 2018 (at Irstea).
Conference : September 5 to 7, 2018 (at Espace Tête d’Or)
Technical visit: September 8, 2018


Download the flyer.

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