Coming Events
International Youth Forum of Soil and Water Conservation (China, Oct. 16-18, 2015)
Date:  October 16?18, 2015

Venue: Nanchang, China

Summary: You are cordially invited to the International Youth Forum on Soil and Water Conservation (IYFSWC). The conference will bring researchers, practitioners and policy makers a world-wide platform to share their research and discuss creative solutions related to soil and water conservation. IYFSWC is focusing to see the 搊ld? soil and water conservation problems in the vision of the youth.

        Soil Erosion Processes and Modeling
        Global Changes and Soil Conservation Practices
        Land Degradation and Food Security 
        Watershed Management 
        Sustainable Development for Soil and Water
        Soil and Water Conservation during Construction
        New Technologies and Methods for Monitoring and Assessment Soil Erosion
        Youth Engagement and the Education of Soil and Water Conservation

Outstanding Youth Paper Award: 
The World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC) will present WASWAC Outstanding Youth Paper Award at the conference.
Ten outstanding papers by authors under the age of 40 will be selected from the submitted conference papers. The primary author of each paper will be awarded US$1,000.
The awarded paper will be published in WASWAC official journal朓nternational Soil and Water Conservation Research, which is a peer-reviewed, quarterly published English journal.

Important Dates: 
Sep.1, 2014 Call for abstracts
Nov. 30, 2014 Abstract Due
Please submit your abstract to
Mar. 31, 2015 Full Paper Due


Ms. Wang Yue ,  Ms. Peng Cong
Tel: +86-791-88179373, +86-791-88126011

Copyright: World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER). All Rights Reserved.
The Secretary of WASER, International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES)
Address: IRTCES, P.O. Box 366, No.20 Chegongzhuang Road West, Beijing, 100048, China; Website:
Tel: (8610) 68786410 68786408; Fax: (8610) 68411174; E-mail:
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