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Coming Events
dot10th International SedNet Conference “Sediments on the move” (Italy, 14-17 June 2017)[2015-06-14]
dotCONSOWA 2017 (Spain, 12-16 June 2017)[2015-06-12]
dot2nd International Workshop on Sediment Bypass Tunnels (Kyoto, Japan, May 9-12, 2017)[2015-05-09]
dot5th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (Oman, Nov. 2-4, 2015)[2014-11-02]
dotInternational Conference on African Large River Basins Hydrology (Tunisia, Oct., 26-30th, 2015)[2014-10-26]
dotInternational Youth Forum of Soil and Water Conservation (China, Oct. 16-18, 2015)[2014-10-16]
dot9th International SedNet Conference (Poland, 23-26 September 2015)[2014-09-23]
dot13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (Stuttgart, Germany, Sep. 19-22, 2016)[2014-09-19]
dotTHESIS 2016 (Tokyo Japan, Sep. 12-14, 2016)[2014-09-12]
dotIAHR APD 2016 (Sri Lanka, August 28-31, 2016)[2014-08-28]
dot12th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (Korea, Aug. 21-26, 2016)[2014-08-21]
dotThird WASWAC World Conference (Serbia, August 22-26, 2016)[2014-08-13]
dot5th International Symposium on Sediment Management I2SM (Canada, 10-13 July 2016)[2014-07-16]
dotRiver Flow 2016 (US, July 11-14, 2016)[2014-07-09]
dotESSC 2016 (Romania, 15-18 June 2016)[2014-06-10]
dot11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (Australia, Feb. 7-12, 2016)[2014-02-27]
dotStudy Tour Program (ENG)Second International Study Tour to the Yellow River 2006[2013-05-22]
dotSecond International Study Tour to the Three Gorges Project 2006[2013-05-16]
dot9th ISRS Study Tour Program (CHS)[2013-05-07]
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