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Documents for the 7th WASER Council Meeting

Document for council meeting

Presentation of draft President Report

Presentation of draft Secretary General Report

Presentation of draft Treasurer Report

Report of 15th ISRS

Proposal for 16th ISRS

Feedback of council meeting-Day 1

Feedback of council meeting-Day 2

document for council meeting.pdf

President report.pdf

Secretariat work report draft.pdf


Report of 15th ISRS.pdf

Proposal for 16th ISRS.pdf

Feedback of council meeting-Day 1.docx

Feedback of council meeting-Day 2.docx

Copyright: World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER). All Rights Reserved.
The Secretary of WASER, International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES)
Address: IRTCES, P.O. Box 366, No.20 Chegongzhuang Road West, Beijing, 100048, China; Website: http://www.waser.cn/
Tel: (8610) 68786410 68786408; Fax: (8610) 68411174; E-mail: chliu@iwhr.com shihl@iwhr.com
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